Get To Know All ThingsĀ Quiet Box
42.5 in x 40 in x 91.5 in

Each Quiet Box is equipped with two fans. One exhaust fan recycling out air and another blowing new, cool air into the meeting booth. The air flow is adjustable with a spinning dial.

The Quiet Box is equipped with 2x standardĀ wall outlets, 1x USB, and 1x USB-C outlet. A wireless charger is also built into the desk in case you forget your charging cord!

The Quiet Box includes a built in desk and pneumatic stool.

All Quiet Boxes reduce the industry standard 30 dB of noise. The interior is made of 3 layers of recyclable sound absorbing and blocking materials with a soft cotton finish. The exterior is a stainless steel + aluminum frame with a powder coat finish.
The only requirement is the ability to plug into a standard American outlet just the same as you would with your phone charger.